Entomophagy If you’re like me, you might have never heard of this word…entomophagy. And after reading all about it, I’m both fascinated and just a bit sick to my stomach. Let me tell you why. Entomophagy is the
Bugs on Planes- (17 year Cicada)

Bugs on Planes Every seventeen years, a mating ritual of amazing proportions takes place and changes the course of daily life for everyone, even presidents. I’m referring to Brood X and the cicada invasion of 2021. The tremendous number
Pest Control and Cleaning

Spring Cleaning and Unwelcome Guests The weather is warming, and the pollen is covering every surface in bright yellow…welcome to spring in Georgia! If you live in the Canton, Woodstock, Cartersville, or surrounding areas, you know exactly what I’m talking
The Most TERRIFYING Pest In The World_ Termites

The Most TERRIFYING Pest In The World_ Termites If you were to ask the average person to name the scariest bug, termites probably wouldn’t be high on the list. They don’t elicit the same fear response that spiders, scorpions,
Coronavirus / COVID-19 and Pest Control Services
Coronavirus / COVID-19 and Pest Control Services The COVID-19 outbreak has led to the shutdown of many businesses as we all commit to reducing unnecessary contact to limit the spread of the virus. Since the end date of this
What Attracts Pests to Your Home?
What Attracts Pests to Your Home? Keeping your home pest-free is an active job. The truth is, even if you don’t think about your home’s pest vulnerability, a wide variety of invaders are. Every bug, rat, termite, and spider
Summertime Pests
Summertime Pest problems Summertime is in full swing, kids are coming home from school, and you’re probably planning that first beach vacation or camping trip. But before you head off into a summer of fun, is your home protected against
Winter time pest Problems

Wildlife invaders can cause big problems for Georgia homeowners, and cold weather can make the problem even worse. Recently, Georgia experienced an unexpected cold snap that dropped temperatures unexpectedly. This fluctuation can cause a disturbance in the natural behaviors of
Home Pest Control Service
Home Pest control Despite what some might think, pest control is a lot more than just pesticide. The fact is, you can do a lot to help manage pests in your home before using any pesticide products. But why
Summer Bugs
Summer Bugs Summertime is upon us once again. The beautiful (though sometimes a bit too humid) climate here in Georgia allows us the opportunity to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities. But we aren’t the only living things that enjoy
Roaches in Cherokee County Georgia
German Roaches thrive in warm, humid environments. Parts of the home such as kitchens and bathrooms provide ideal locations for the roaches. The German roach is a scavenger, and can consume even the smallest amounts of food. They are also
Merry Christmas
Yuletide Invasions It’s Christmas time again, and along with that come the many wonderful traditions built into our families over generations, bringing joy to household after household. Several of these traditions come with some side effects, ones that
Bugs-Canton Termite and Pest control
Bugs and You: Cockroaches, Flies, and other nasty pests It may not seem commonplace to throw your food away if a fly lands on it—rather, most people will swipe at the fly to get it to go away,
Roaches in Canton Georgia There are many different kinds of troublesome pests in Georgia. However, there are very few so well adapted to living indoors as the German roach. The German roach is a small, tan colored pest that can
Pest Control in Cherokee County
Call the Exterminator! Every year, pests of all kinds cause monumental damage around the world. In the United States, the termite alone causes approximately $5 Billion dollars in damage expenses every year. It would be almost impossible