Termite Swarming season is just around the corner, and if you’ve never heard of it before, you may want to read on! Often, many people wait to call for pest control until they start seeing pests inside their home. After all, that is typically when pests become a noticeable nuisance.

However, many of the most destructive pests will cause very little nuisance to you due to their reclusive nature. That is.. until they cause major damage. Termites are one such specimen. Known for targeting secluded areas of the home, termites often feed upon your home from below, targeting wooden framing, flooring, wallpaper, and other cellulosic (wood based) materials. This damage is often slow, but over time it grows exponentially until you have an expensive problem on your hands.
So how can homeowners protect their homes? And why do termite swarmers complicate this issue?
Essentially, the key to home protection against termites is early, preventative treatment. Most treatments used against termites establish a barrier of product that is poisonous to any termites that encounter it. Sometimes a bait system is used, while in other instances a liquid treatment may be employed. Regardless of what product is used, all are maximally effective when used BEFORE a termite infestation is able to gain access to your home.
The reason that termite swarming season relates to this is that the swarming season marks the beginning of new colony building. Every year around this time, termite colonies in the local area will release specialized winged termites called swarmers, and these swarmers will mate and become the next queens of future termite colonies.
Once swarmers have mated, they lose their wings and move into a subterranean nesting site. In time, they will hatch a new generation of worker termites to build and expand their satellite nest. Typically these nests are in close proximity to the nest they originated from, further growing the termite presence in the local area. It typically takes a couple of seasons for a new nest to grow to any substantial size, so in the meantime they lie in wait like a landmine, ready to infest your home if the opportunity arises.
Swarmers can gather numbering in the thousands, and you should take note of their presence on your property. While the swarmers themselves do not feed on wood or attack your home, they are evidence of current AND future termite activity.
If you are seeing swarmers on your property, you should consider scheduling an inspection and preventative treatment of your home against termites. The fact is, your home will be vulnerable to termite attack unless it is regularly treated with preventative products. Even if your home has been previously treated it is possible that the treatment barrier has degraded, and even the smallest gap could be exploited by pests.
Once termites have begun feeding on your home, they are hard o find and even more difficult to remove. They can easily cause major damage before you are aware of their presence, and this can result in frustration and expense. This is particularly relevant if you are considering selling your home, as termite damage can often create concerns for buyers and depreciate the value of the structure.
The takeaway here is that termites are not a pest problem you want to procrastinate in defending against. Pre-treatments are a powerful deterrent, but it is critical that they are in place before termites begin to attack!
At Canton Termite and Pest Control, we are Termite Pros with decades of experience in the industry! We take into account the unique environment in and around your home when constructing our treatments, and this ensures that they work far better than generalized, “one-size-fits-all” treatments!
So if you are dealing with pest problems, and want industry-leading solutions, call us TODAY at 770-479-1598!
By: Tim