Best pest control company in Canton
At Canton Termite and Pest Control, we strive to provide the highest quality of service possible to our customers. However, we are a small company that serves a limited area, and for some homeowners picking a pest control company can be a difficult affair. The pest industry is filled with thousands of companies, and it is critical that you choose the best option to avoid unnecessary frustration and expense.

Our decades in the pest industry have taught us how to distinguish a good pest control company from a bad one. Below are some tips and standards that you can use to vet a potential company.
The right company should have reliable, professional technicians:
Pest technicians are the core of a pest control company. They perform any treatment that occurs in and around your home. Pest control operators understand this, so if a company’s technicians seem unprofessional, sloppy, or rude, odds are the rest of the company is not being held to a high standard. Beyond this, remember that these technicians would be treating your home with chemicals, so you will want to choose someone who is correctly trained.
The right company should have good reviews:
Pest control is a service industry, and most of a pest company’s revenue comes from long-term customers. Because of this, a good company that cares about its public image and strives to keep customers satisfied. When considering a pest control company, ask your friends and neighbors who they use for their service.
You can also check online for Google Reviews and testimonials about the company. These will give you a good idea of how a typical customer feels about the service. Since Google reviews can be left by anyone, you will also get a better idea of how the company treats customers across its entire service range.`
The right company should have certification and documentation:
For a pest control company to operate legally, most states require some form of training and certification. Unfortunately, some less honest companies will choose to operate illegally without any licensing, and thus their training and treatment methods are not audited in any way. Homeowners should we wary of companies that are hesitant to show proper certification.
The right company should have correct service procedures:
There is a lot more to pest control than just spraying chemicals. A technician should be a pest expert with extensive knowledge about the treatment products and procedures that he employs. While a technician cannot be expected to know the answer to all of your questions, they should be friendly and willing to find out for you.
Oftentimes, correct product application can be the difference between a success and failure in treatment. So it is important to hire a company that has safe, targeted treatment procedures. Beyond this, a good company should provide you with follow up documentation after treatment. This documentation should include a description of services rendered, the costs associated with those services, and other relevant material.
This documentation is important for you as a homeowner because it can serve as proof of service in any potential disputes. A good technician should also provide you with a follow up after service and provide recommendations about steps homeowners can take to prevent future infestation.
The right company should have prompt, friendly customer service:
When you have a pest problem, you want to have a company that you can call to fix the problem FAST. As such, you should choose a company that has a commitment to good customer service and efficient scheduling.
If a company seems unreliable or does not return your calls, odds are they won’t be there in time if you have a pest problem. A professional, reliable company should answer you when you call and call you back quickly if they are unavailable. These types of companies are dedicated to providing service to you as quickly as possible, and are the best choice for your pest control.
The truth is, there is not a set formula for distinguishing a good pest control service, and there are many other tips that you can employ to help you narrow your search. However, by using these tips as a filter, homeowners should have a much easier time finding a reputable pest control company.
If you are a homeowner in the greater Cherokee county area, Canton Termite and Pest Control is your one call solution to any pest problem. We have been in the pest industry for decades, and we offer a wide range of treatment options that will deal with any pest quickly, effectively, and safely!
So if you are dealing with pests, and need someone you can trust to provide solutions, call us today at 770-479-1598!
Here’s to YOU living pest free!
By: Tim