Home pest inspection

Summer is the high activity time for pests. As we speak, a numerous and varied group of potential pests could be threatening your home and property, from wildlife like squirrels to insect pests like termites. While an infestation from any one of these pests is not a sure thing, an unprotected home is almost certain to deal with at least one of these destructive pests.

It is no surprise that pests are most active during the summer season. After all, this is a time of abundant food and water resources. Further, many dormant creatures are active and breeding during this time.


If an infestation is established in or around your home, the destruction caused by the pests can lead to frustration and expense for you. Further, an established infestation is much more difficult to remove compared to preventative measures that stop pests before they infiltrate your home.


Due to these issues, it is critical to ensure that your home is protected against pest threats and that any existing infestation is identified before it is able to grow out of proportion.


But with such a wide variety of pest threats potentially facing your home, how can you ensure that you are protected?


The answer: Calling in the Experts


An expert pest control technician can inspect your home looking for any risk areas or evidence of ongoing pest activity. They have the training and experience required to identify even the smallest signs of pests. Further, their experience with a variety of homes and knowledge of pest behaviors enables them to identify weaknesses in your home’s pest protection that might not be obvious.


By having your home inspected, you can ensure that pest activity and your home’s vulnerabilities to the infestation are identified. This allows for a detailed plan of defense to be formulated that will keep your home pest-free!


But what exactly do I mean by a “plan of defense” for your home?


Protecting your home from pests takes more than just a treatment product, but that is often people’s primary focus. While pesticide treatments are highly effective and often necessary to stop infestations, a truly comprehensive treatment plan must include environmental changes as well.


Namely, it is necessary to take steps to reduce what we call “conducive conditions” that allow pests to thrive in your home. These conditions are anything environmental that attracts or enables pest activity.


For example, if areas of your home have sustained water damage or for other reasons have an unusually high moisture level, they are more attractive for pests such as cockroaches.


Another common problem is wood to ground contact around the foundation. This is a major structural vulnerability that makes the work of termites, carpenter ants, and other wood-destroying organisms much easier.


By identifying these types of conducive conditions through an initial inspection, your pest control provider will be able to make specific recommendations for rectifying these issues around your home. Resolving these problems will make treatment more effective and strengthen your home’s long term pest protection.


When wintertime arrives, pests will cease foraging hunker down to escape the cold, sometimes in your house! If this happens, it will be much more difficult to identify signs of their activity.


Due to this, if you are concerned about pest activity around your property, now is the BEST time to schedule an inspection for your home. For Cherokee County residents, there is no better option for your home than Canton Termite and Pest Control! We have decades of experience in the industry dealing with every pest and wildlife problem under the sun!

Our team of experts can inspect your home, identifying even the most subtle sign of pest activities and noting vulnerabilities that make infestation more likely. From there, we will work with you to develop an effective, efficient, and comprehensive strategy for protecting your home against pest incursions!


So if you need fast, effective, and affordable pest control, call us TODAY at 770-479-1598!


P.S. Ask about our NEW HP2 Termite Applicator treatment!


By: Tim

Home Pest Inspection
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