When you think about wildlife problems, it’s easy to imagine it as an issue exclusive to rural areas. After all, how could an animal larger than a squirrel get anywhere near my urban or suburban home?

The truth is, however, this is largely a misconception. Wild animals can roam easily even in the most populated areas. Unfortunately, in many cases, animals in urban areas are far out of their natural habitat, this can make them struggle to survive and may even lead to unusual or aggressive behavior. This means that even an urban home could deal with wildlife issues.

An example of this was recently seen on the Georgia Tech campus. According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, multiple students were attacked by a rabid fox on campus. Officials at the campus believe that more than one fox may be in the area, and will be working with wildlife experts to trap and remove them.

There is no denying that this is a rare, unpredictable incident. The fact is, odds are no rabid foxes will be making their way into your yard regardless of where you live. However, it illustrates an important point: In certain circumstances, even large wildlife can make their way into urban areas, survive, and maybe even thrive.

Wildlife populations have been forced to adapt to changes in their natural environment as human population centers have expanded. Many species do flee these areas, but some remain and alter their behavior to the new environment. Raccoons are a good example of this behavior. Their dexterity and natural curiosity can allow them to survive off of our trash, sometimes going to hilarious lengths to break into trash cans and even homes for food.

It is important to remember, however, that no matter how well-adapted wildlife may be in urban environments, they are not in their natural homes. This is important because it means that wildlife may engage in unexpected or unnatural behavior. For this reason, they may be aggressive or skittish due to stress from their surroundings. If you encounter wildlife in this type of situation, you should be extremely cautious and avoid approaching, particularly if the animal is displaying symptoms of rabies.

Generally speaking, wildlife of all kinds should be treated with caution, particularly when they are in closed off spaces such as attics, basements, and crawlspaces. It is preferable that homeowners leave any wildlife problems to the experts to ensure their personal safety as well as that of the animal.

So remember, you may not deal with a rabid fox around your home, but just being in an urban environment doesn’t mean that you will remain animal free. In fact, since urban environments provide little natural hiding places for wildlife, they may be more likely to enter homes and other structures seeking shelter and sustenance. If you are dealing with any kind of wildlife problem, your best option is to call in a licensed wildlife specialist to inspect your property, identify the issue, and trap/remove the animal.

At Canton Termite and Pest Control, we have years of experience in the wildlife industry. We have dealt with wildlife of all kinds in both rural and urban environments, and we are committed to safe, ethical solutions for wildlife problems. When possible, we employ a catch and release methodology, taking animals to safer environments without harming them or treating them with any cruelty. This is just one part of our commitment to providing safe, green, and effective solutions to insect and wildlife pest problems!

So if you are dealing with any wildlife issues, don’t wait! Call us TODAY at 770-479-1598!


Fox in the city
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